This tool guides a threading die with the tailstock on a lathe. It consists of a 3D-printed handle with a large knurled section for a good grip and individual, swappable die holders.
What you get:
- 3D files (.f3d, .step, .3mf, .stl) of all 3D-printed part
- Knurled handle
- Drilling jig for all holder sizes
- Box inserts
- 3D files (.f3d, .step) of all die holders, storage box, and additional parts
- .pdf dimensioned drawings of all die holders, knurled handle, and additional parts
Necessary print settings for the knurled handle:
- Infill 100%
- 10 contours see picture
- part orientation see picture
- supports on the print bed
Shown in the video is the knurled handle with reinforcement pins. They were removed as the print layers caused problems when turning to size.